Deprecated: Joomla\Input\Input implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary) in /www/ on line 41
Deprecated: Return type of Joomla\Input\Input::count() should either be compatible with Countable::count(): int, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /www/ on line 170
Deprecated: Joomla\CMS\Input\Input implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary) in /www/ on line 31
Deprecated: Joomla\CMS\Input\Cookie implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary) in /www/ on line 21
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\User\User::$aid is deprecated in /www/ on line 255
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\User\User::$aid is deprecated in /www/ on line 255
Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /www/ on line 143
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ContactRouterRulesLegacy::$router is deprecated in /www/ on line 30
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ContentRouterRulesLegacy::$router is deprecated in /www/ on line 30
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property NewsfeedsRouterRulesLegacy::$router is deprecated in /www/ on line 30
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property UsersRouterRulesLegacy::$router is deprecated in /www/ on line 30
Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT" in /www/ on line 47 Tlačové techniky
Zavolajte nám +420 733 181 972 alebo
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$task is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$ is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$ is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$list.offset is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$params is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.published is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.archived is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.language is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$id is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$asset_id is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$title is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$alias is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$introtext is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$fulltext is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$state is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$catid is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$created is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$created_by is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$created_by_alias is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$modified is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$modified_by is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$checked_out is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$checked_out_time is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$publish_up is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$publish_down is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$images is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$urls is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$attribs is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$version is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$ordering is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$metakey is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$metadesc is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$access is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$hits is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$metadata is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$featured is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$language is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$xreference is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$note is deprecated in /www/ on line 189
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ContentViewArticle::$baseurl is deprecated in /www/ on line 215
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$task is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$ is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$ is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$list.offset is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$params is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.published is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.archived is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.language is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper::$itemTags is deprecated in /www/ on line 454
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.state is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$list.limit is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.context is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.assigned_cat_ids is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$note is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$path is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$version is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$note is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$path is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$version is deprecated in /www/ on line 197
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\User\User::$aid is deprecated in /www/ on line 255
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ContentViewArticle::$pageclass_sfx is deprecated in /www/ on line 206
Tlač je spôsob rozmnoženia predlohy. Nech už ide o text, obrázok či tlač na papier, plast alebo kartón.
Je niekoľko tlačových techník, medzi ktorými si môžeme vyberať. Každá tlačová technika je jedinečná a má svoje klady aj zápory. Jednu vec však mali donedávna spoločnú. Boli neodmysliteľne spojené s fyzikálnou veličinou – tlakom. Buď vo forme páky, alebo sústavy valcov.
S vývojom nových technológií už toto neplatí. Digitálna tlač tlak pri tlačení nepotrebuje a tlač prebieha dokonca aj bez prítomnosti medzičlánku tlačovej dosky.
Delia sa na základe rozloženia tlačových a netlačových miest na tlačovej doske.
Pri tlači z výšky obtlačované plochy vystupujú nad plochy netlačené. Farba je teda nanášaná len na tlačené plochy a tie sú potom, pomocou tlaku, obtlačené na potlačový materiál (napr. papier).
Pri tlači z plochy je postavenie obtlačovaných a neobtlačovaných miest v jednej rovine. Rozdiel medzi nimi je na fyzikálno-chemickej rovine. Obtlačované plochy sú upravené tak, aby sa na ne nanášaná farba chytila a naopak neobtlačované plochy sú upravené takým spôsobom, že sa na ne farba nezachytí. Po nanesení farby je tlačová doska opäť pomocou tlaku otlačená na potlačový materiál.
Najpoužívanejšia tlač z plochy je Ofset. Tiež sem patrí litografia a svetlotlač.
Pri tlači z hĺbky sú obtlačované plochy pod úrovňou neobtlačovaných plôch. Na celú tlačovú dosku sa nanesie farba a následne je z povrchu utretá, čím je zaistené, že zostane len v obtlačovaných miestach. Tie sú potom, pomocou tlaku, obtlačené na potlačový materiál.
Pri prietlači farba prechádza cez tlačovú dosku. V neobtlačovaných miestach je tlačová doska urobená tak, aby cez tieto farba neprešla.
Jedinou metódou tlače, ktorá patrí pod prietlač je Sieťotlač.
Digitálna tlač je jediná, pri ktorej sa k rozmnoženiu predlohy nepoužíva tlak a tiež tu chýba medzičlánok v podobe tlačovej dosky, ktorá by bola obtlačovaná na potlačový materiál. Tlač prebieha priamo. Súbory v počítači teda prechádzajú rovno na papier. Digitálna tlač je najmladšia a najmodernejšia technika v tlači a funguje na princípe elektrografie alebo ink-jet.
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\User\User::$aid is deprecated in /www/ on line 953